Hey YOU!
I planned to write this just before I get buried with so much. I’ve had this saved up in my draft, but every day’s event keeps tearing me down— layer after layer.
So, here goes ALL OF ME…from my knackered self to YOU.
I’ve been through a lot in the past few weeks. How I’m still able to have these words flowing, remains unexplained. I guess we’ll just have to attribute this to L-O-V-E.
Life has given me reasons to get overwhelmed, pissed, and also cry full buckets.
My once-strong old self will NEVER come to terms with this new crybaby. I feel crying is the only way I’m able to unleash my pent-up anger and heart pain when I do not write about them or share them with YOU.
Should I tie this to the emotions that comes with being an adult? I don't know. Nevertheless, my ability to still choose to smile is YOU.
I never exactly planned to meet you. I think I need to reiterate that for emphasis' sake — I never would’ve met you. Truth be told, not with how nonchalant I was, coupled with my attitudinal discharge. But I do know I somehow prayed you in.
Yes, YOU!
You are my answer to yesterday’s prayer.
It’s no mystery that we happened. Main man orchestrated it, so it’s my daily delight to bask in this gift called YOU.
At first, I thought you were another wind waiting to blow in the East. But you’ve taught me so much, so much that the tag WIND is far from YOU—you taught me to face the fears I didn’t even realize I was afraid of confronting—and for that, I am beyond words ‘grateful.’
You deserve nothing but the best, and the same love you keep trying to give everyone else.
Even with how adamant I am, you’ve been able to evade my space. You stepped into every nook and cranny of my space and adjusted my lens to see this small world of ours from a much better angle. Right now, I see the world in a way I never would have imagined—all because you introduced me to new perspectives and ideas I never knew existed.
Despite your best efforts to conceal your good part and act all macho, Main man just had His ways of exposing that soft side you’ve been trying to hide all along.
It remains my daily desire that you get to the point where you finally understand that your sole existence isn’t merely an existence, but a precious and gentle comfort to every life your presence has touched—especially mine. I hope you realize soon that every bit of who you are isn’t just a dash or sprinkle of fire, light, peace, and hope, but you are ALL in full portions.
I know I might not be that chatty, witty, and goofy kid you once met ‘cause it feels like LIFE won’t stop happening to me, but this is to let you know that your entire being rocks my world.
Once again I’m reminded of You!
You, your smell and your dreamy eyes and the way it matches your wandering gaze when you’ve got a lot on your mind. Your voice and hug that makes my heart flutter. Your petty arguments, your silly jokes, with your random pick-up lines you love to throw at me, even to your yesterday’s laughter, lives rent-free in my head.
You leave me feeling grateful, for the gift of YOU.
Although, I’ve embraced this new me that prefers silence and tears, but from my major breakdown to minor ones, thoughts of YOU linger.
So, yes…Thank you for loving me, and being amazingly amazing when you had reasons not to.
P.S. This is not a love letter, ‘cause I’m not a preacher of love...I’m an Indaboski Bahose.
It’s an appreciation letter to YOU!
Your guyest guy.